Download Megahertz XJEM336 LAN Modem PC Card Driver

Download Megahertz XJEM336 LAN Modem PC Card driver

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Locate and download Megahertz XJEM336 LAN + Modem PC Card v. crack from our site. Thousands of cracks, keygens and patches are presented in our storage. Megahertz 3cxm356 modem driver download - the item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended. Sporting a 3com megahertz, typographical, 3com u. 3com 3cxm356 megahertz 56k winmodem fax pcmci pc card modem with xjack units which are shipped internationally have a mandatory 4-10 business day security. Download modem drivers for free at Soft32. The modem software available at Soft32 allows you to ensure that your modem is functioning correctly.

Rev: 01 Nov 2004.


In June/July of 2000 I had to solve a very annoying problem. The solution is presentedhere as it may be of interest to others, though few will face exactly the same issue. [1]

I needed to use Symantec's NortonGhost to install a disk image onto a legacy-free SONY PictureBook PCG-C1XE. The onlymethod I could use to do this was to boot DOS, mount a network drive on a Windows98 machine, and install over my LAN. This page describes how I did this.

This machine was imported by Dynamism from Japan-- it is a Japanese PC that was configured for US use. It originally came with JapaneseWindows 98 and Japanese versions of the SONY VAIO utilities and machine-specific software.US Windows 98 was installed on top of it.

In June 2000 a mysterious Windows glitch resulted in the failure of several of the SONYVAIO OCX modules. Attempts to reinstall from disk failed, Dynamism was unable to help.(Overall their technical support was quite disappointing, particularly considering thecost of this imported machine.) The only fix was a complete image replacement using NortonGhost.

I attempted to get SONY's CD player to work with this machine, the PCG-CD51. After daysof labor I finally gave up. I could not locate the appropriate Phoenix PCM drivers --these are available only to OEMs.

I could not use the usual Ghost solutions, such as a parallel port. Even the NETBIOSapproach in the Ghost manual failed (that approach sets up simple two machine LAN where Ithink both machines are booting DOS and maybe running Ghost -- but I couldn't get anywherewith it.)

I needed to use a DOS boot-disk based networking solution -- I tried several variationswithout success. This is the variation that worked. The resulting 'MicrosoftNetworking' is variably described as 'LAN Manager client', NDIS-2, or IPXbased.

Method I: Support files on hard drive

This method works best, but it requires access to the hard drive on startup.

Download Megahertz XJEM336 LAN Modem PC Card Driver


  1. Download Microsoft's Client for MS-DOS 3.0 from Microft's FTP site. Double click to expand each.
  2. Download a diskette with appropriate drivers for your PC Card based NIC. I had a Linksys card, so I downloaded EC2T2.EXE. Expand files and store on a diskette.
  3. From a Windows 98 machine, use the format a: /s command to create a bootable diskette that's been freshly formatted. Delete drvspace.bin to save room unless you need it (unlikely).
  4. On the machines you want to connect to, use the Networking control in your 'Settings' folder to install support for NetBEUI and IPX protocols (I suspect one really needs only the IPX protocols). Enable the usual file sharing, Microsoft Client, etc.

Boot Diskette Setup

These steps are not performed by the installation but are essential. The Enabler.exeprogram allows DOS to work with a PC (PCMCIA) card.

  1. From the linksys drivers diskette find enabler.exe and copy it to a:
  2. From Windows find himen.sys and copy it to a:
  3. Change config.sys as follows:


Network Installation

  1. Put the Microsoft Client files (above) on the PictureBook C: drive in DSK3-1 and DSK3-2 directories.
  2. Copy the linksys files to the C: drive as well.
  3. Boot the PictureBook using a DOS bootable diskette.
  4. In the DSK3-1 directory click on setup.exe.
  5. Since the linksys is not listed, choose the 'not listed' option and provide the path to the driver files.
  6. Follow the directions. I chose to put the networking files first on the C: drive in netdos. The installation asks for the boot diskette (DOS, as above) and modifies the files there.
  7. Before restarting, choose the 'Names' option and rename the domain and workgroup settings to your settings (this is not done automatically, the default settings will usually be incorrect).
  8. Restart.
Download Megahertz XJEM336 LAN Modem PC Card driver

Mounting the remote drive

I was unable to browse my LAN (no browse master here, it's all Win98). I used the Netcommand to map a remote shared directory to my D: drive.

Example: net use d: TIMBOXIMAGES

Method II: Everything on one diskette

The original installation routine was designed for DOS 3.x. Windows 9x boot disks havemuch less free room and the installation does not work correctly. Providing you can putthe Microsoft Networking and Linksys installation files on your c: drive (see Method I: Support files on hard drive), there is a way toget the installation to work. These abbreviated directions are strictly for experts, theyare variations on Method I:

  1. During the installation, choose to put networking files on A:NET (for some reason you cannot say: A:)
  2. When told there is insufficient room for 'MAIL' hit ENTER (default, omits MAIL).
  3. Installation will stop with a meaningless drive error; it will tell you what files were omitted (usually nswlink.exe) but will otherwise proceed normally.
  4. Delete unneeded files from A: such as setup.exe, setup.inf, expand.exe, readme.txt
  5. Copy the missing files manually to a:

This file contains the results (omitting the systemfiles). If you create the system disk (format a:) you could copy these files to it.Alternatively, if you've got Method I working, then after completing the intial Method IIinstallation (with missing files) you can compare the files produced with Method I and fixup the diskette to include the missing Method I files (while deleting the unneeded files).

Config.sys, Autoexec.bat and System.ini


Note that enabler.exe is what allows the OS to talk to the PC card. This utility comesfrom Linksys and is NIC specific. IFSHLP.SYS is the key NDIS-2 driver.



prompt $p$g
path C:NETDOS2;a:
C:NETDOS2net initialize
C:NETDOS2net start

Alternative: NT 4.0 Server Generated Startup Disk

This suggestion was email to me by Shawn. It sounds simpler!

I solved a similar situation for a CD-driveless IBM ThinkPad 560X by using a slightvariation on your method that might be a little easier for some. The 560X was equippedwith a 3Com Megahertz 3CCFEM556 10/100 LAN + 56K Modem PC Card.

By using the Network Client Administrator utility on an NT 4.0 Server, one can generatea single Network Client V3.0 startup disk that loads NIC drivers. As the selection of NICdrivers is limited in this utility, it is necessary to modify the diskette with theappropriate drivers. I followed the instructions for my NIC card as provided by 3Com. Itseems the startup disk can be modified for any NIC that has an NDIS driver.

To view these instructions, search for 'Creating a DOS bootable disk for MicrosoftWindows NT' in the 3Com knowledgebase at As theknowledgebase is dynamic I couldn't find a URL to link directly to the page.

More general instructions for modifying this disk can be found at

The Network Client Administrator utility isn't very easy to use but instructions can befound in online help and in MS's knowledgebase.

Of course, one needs access to an NT 4.0 server to generate this disk. I had a friendcreate and email me the image.

Running Ghost

Few persons indeed will need this part of the document, but perhaps one soul somewherewill be helped. Here's what I did.

  1. Put the ghost.exe file and the .gho image on my server and shared that directory as IMAGE
  2. net use e: timboximage
  3. from e: I ran ghost.exe (it can't be running from the drive that you're about to write over)
  4. I then followed the pretty easy to understand directions.

In the other direction, saving a drive image to a mapped remote drive, Ghost was unableto recognize a 35GB drive. It did well with a 7GB drive.


  • emm386.exe is not compatible with LINSYS PC card utilities unless one uses the address exclusion text
  • Microsoft Networking has gone through several iterations, and the marketing department has made things much worse by changing the meaning of the words NetBIOS and NetBEUI and with the perverse evolution of Lan Manager and Microsoft networking. Somewhere in the last decade I think Microsoft also switched underlying protocols about 3 times. (See NetBIOS over TCP/IP ... to get a feeling for how bad things are.)
  • It doesn't help that IPX, which is what this NDIS implementation is using, is a Novell protocol (yet it's 'Microsoft Networking' ...)
  • This NDIS boot disk setup uses IPX as the network layer. I think you can use TCP/IP, but that seems even harder to get working with DOS. This was hard enough.


  • Binary Research International ~ Technical Support: best (but still scanty) description of how to proceed.

Resources for configuring DOS PC Cards using PhoenixCard

This set of links relates to an unsuccessfule attempt to get a CD to boot on thismachine using DOS and PhoenixCard. It's included here because I had it at hand.

  • is where SONY puts it's updates
  • PhoenixCard Manager Plus - sales page
  • PCMCIA Card - manual for PhoenixCard 3.1
  • Phoenix Technologies Ltd. - PC User Support DOS FAQ
  • Creating a CD Boot Floppy - VAIO configuration for booting for DOS with CD support
  • VAIO Technical FAQ Article - SONY on configuration settings
  • ms-dos config.sys a config.sys file with typical settings
  • NEO256AV.EXE update to NeoMagic driverers for PCG-C1XS
  • CD51.EXE: SONY PCG-CD51 updated Windows drivers


  • May 22, 2001: Fixed the darned backward slashes referencing mounted directories. Obviously not a lot of people need this page :-)!
  • July 15, 2000: Added Shawn's method
  • July 4, 2000: initial version.


[1]It is a bit disturbing that I actually got this working. The familiarity with DOS that this required dates me severely. It's also a sad waste of neurons to store the obscure, irrelevant, and mostly pointless knowledge this required.

Metadata - Keywords

Since Google does not use indexing information stored in meta tags, I'vereproduced some of the meta tags here to facilitate indexing.

<meta name='author'>
<meta name='keywords'>

Author: John G. Faughnan. The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author. Pages are updated on an irregular schedule; suggestions/fixes are welcome but they may take weeks to years to be incorporated.Anyone may freely link to anything on this site and print any page; no permission is needed for citing, linking, printing, or distributing printed copies.

Faughnan Home | ContactInfo | Site Contents | Search

Rev: 01 Nov 2004.


In June/July of 2000 I had to solve a very annoying problem. The solution is presentedhere as it may be of interest to others, though few will face exactly the same issue. [1]

I needed to use Symantec's NortonGhost to install a disk image onto a legacy-free SONY PictureBook PCG-C1XE. The onlymethod I could use to do this was to boot DOS, mount a network drive on a Windows98 machine, and install over my LAN. This page describes how I did this.

This machine was imported by Dynamism from Japan-- it is a Japanese PC that was configured for US use. It originally came with JapaneseWindows 98 and Japanese versions of the SONY VAIO utilities and machine-specific software.US Windows 98 was installed on top of it.

In June 2000 a mysterious Windows glitch resulted in the failure of several of the SONYVAIO OCX modules. Attempts to reinstall from disk failed, Dynamism was unable to help.(Overall their technical support was quite disappointing, particularly considering thecost of this imported machine.) The only fix was a complete image replacement using NortonGhost.

I attempted to get SONY's CD player to work with this machine, the PCG-CD51. After daysof labor I finally gave up. I could not locate the appropriate Phoenix PCM drivers --these are available only to OEMs.

I could not use the usual Ghost solutions, such as a parallel port. Even the NETBIOSapproach in the Ghost manual failed (that approach sets up simple two machine LAN where Ithink both machines are booting DOS and maybe running Ghost -- but I couldn't get anywherewith it.)

I needed to use a DOS boot-disk based networking solution -- I tried several variationswithout success. This is the variation that worked. The resulting 'MicrosoftNetworking' is variably described as 'LAN Manager client', NDIS-2, or IPXbased.

Method I: Support files on hard drive

This method works best, but it requires access to the hard drive on startup.


  1. Download Microsoft's Client for MS-DOS 3.0 from Microft's FTP site. Double click to expand each.
  2. Download a diskette with appropriate drivers for your PC Card based NIC. I had a Linksys card, so I downloaded EC2T2.EXE. Expand files and store on a diskette.
  3. From a Windows 98 machine, use the format a: /s command to create a bootable diskette that's been freshly formatted. Delete drvspace.bin to save room unless you need it (unlikely).
  4. On the machines you want to connect to, use the Networking control in your 'Settings' folder to install support for NetBEUI and IPX protocols (I suspect one really needs only the IPX protocols). Enable the usual file sharing, Microsoft Client, etc.

Boot Diskette Setup

These steps are not performed by the installation but are essential. The Enabler.exeprogram allows DOS to work with a PC (PCMCIA) card.

  1. From the linksys drivers diskette find enabler.exe and copy it to a:
  2. From Windows find himen.sys and copy it to a:
  3. Change config.sys as follows:


Network Installation

  1. Put the Microsoft Client files (above) on the PictureBook C: drive in DSK3-1 and DSK3-2 directories.
  2. Copy the linksys files to the C: drive as well.
  3. Boot the PictureBook using a DOS bootable diskette.
  4. In the DSK3-1 directory click on setup.exe.
  5. Since the linksys is not listed, choose the 'not listed' option and provide the path to the driver files.
  6. Follow the directions. I chose to put the networking files first on the C: drive in netdos. The installation asks for the boot diskette (DOS, as above) and modifies the files there.
  7. Before restarting, choose the 'Names' option and rename the domain and workgroup settings to your settings (this is not done automatically, the default settings will usually be incorrect).
  8. Restart.

Mounting the remote drive

I was unable to browse my LAN (no browse master here, it's all Win98). I used the Netcommand to map a remote shared directory to my D: drive.

Example: net use d: TIMBOXIMAGES

Method II: Everything on one diskette

The original installation routine was designed for DOS 3.x. Windows 9x boot disks havemuch less free room and the installation does not work correctly. Providing you can putthe Microsoft Networking and Linksys installation files on your c: drive (see Method I: Support files on hard drive), there is a way toget the installation to work. These abbreviated directions are strictly for experts, theyare variations on Method I:

  1. During the installation, choose to put networking files on A:NET (for some reason you cannot say: A:)
  2. When told there is insufficient room for 'MAIL' hit ENTER (default, omits MAIL).
  3. Installation will stop with a meaningless drive error; it will tell you what files were omitted (usually nswlink.exe) but will otherwise proceed normally.
  4. Delete unneeded files from A: such as setup.exe, setup.inf, expand.exe, readme.txt
  5. Copy the missing files manually to a:

This file contains the results (omitting the systemfiles). If you create the system disk (format a:) you could copy these files to it.Alternatively, if you've got Method I working, then after completing the intial Method IIinstallation (with missing files) you can compare the files produced with Method I and fixup the diskette to include the missing Method I files (while deleting the unneeded files).

Download megahertz xjem336 lan modem pc card drivers

Config.sys, Autoexec.bat and System.ini


Note that enabler.exe is what allows the OS to talk to the PC card. This utility comesfrom Linksys and is NIC specific. IFSHLP.SYS is the key NDIS-2 driver.



prompt $p$g
path C:NETDOS2;a:
C:NETDOS2net initialize
C:NETDOS2net start

Alternative: NT 4.0 Server Generated Startup Disk

This suggestion was email to me by Shawn. It sounds simpler!

I solved a similar situation for a CD-driveless IBM ThinkPad 560X by using a slightvariation on your method that might be a little easier for some. The 560X was equippedwith a 3Com Megahertz 3CCFEM556 10/100 LAN + 56K Modem PC Card.

By using the Network Client Administrator utility on an NT 4.0 Server, one can generatea single Network Client V3.0 startup disk that loads NIC drivers. As the selection of NICdrivers is limited in this utility, it is necessary to modify the diskette with theappropriate drivers. I followed the instructions for my NIC card as provided by 3Com. Itseems the startup disk can be modified for any NIC that has an NDIS driver.

To view these instructions, search for 'Creating a DOS bootable disk for MicrosoftWindows NT' in the 3Com knowledgebase at As theknowledgebase is dynamic I couldn't find a URL to link directly to the page.

More general instructions for modifying this disk can be found at

The Network Client Administrator utility isn't very easy to use but instructions can befound in online help and in MS's knowledgebase.

Of course, one needs access to an NT 4.0 server to generate this disk. I had a friendcreate and email me the image.

Running Ghost

Few persons indeed will need this part of the document, but perhaps one soul somewherewill be helped. Here's what I did.

  1. Put the ghost.exe file and the .gho image on my server and shared that directory as IMAGE
  2. net use e: timboximage
  3. from e: I ran ghost.exe (it can't be running from the drive that you're about to write over)
  4. I then followed the pretty easy to understand directions.

In the other direction, saving a drive image to a mapped remote drive, Ghost was unableto recognize a 35GB drive. It did well with a 7GB drive.


  • emm386.exe is not compatible with LINSYS PC card utilities unless one uses the address exclusion text
  • Microsoft Networking has gone through several iterations, and the marketing department has made things much worse by changing the meaning of the words NetBIOS and NetBEUI and with the perverse evolution of Lan Manager and Microsoft networking. Somewhere in the last decade I think Microsoft also switched underlying protocols about 3 times. (See NetBIOS over TCP/IP ... to get a feeling for how bad things are.)
  • It doesn't help that IPX, which is what this NDIS implementation is using, is a Novell protocol (yet it's 'Microsoft Networking' ...)
  • This NDIS boot disk setup uses IPX as the network layer. I think you can use TCP/IP, but that seems even harder to get working with DOS. This was hard enough.


  • Binary Research International ~ Technical Support: best (but still scanty) description of how to proceed.

Resources for configuring DOS PC Cards using PhoenixCard

This set of links relates to an unsuccessfule attempt to get a CD to boot on thismachine using DOS and PhoenixCard. It's included here because I had it at hand.

  • is where SONY puts it's updates
  • PhoenixCard Manager Plus - sales page
  • PCMCIA Card - manual for PhoenixCard 3.1
  • Phoenix Technologies Ltd. - PC User Support DOS FAQ
  • Creating a CD Boot Floppy - VAIO configuration for booting for DOS with CD support
  • VAIO Technical FAQ Article - SONY on configuration settings
  • ms-dos config.sys a config.sys file with typical settings
  • NEO256AV.EXE update to NeoMagic driverers for PCG-C1XS
  • CD51.EXE: SONY PCG-CD51 updated Windows drivers


  • May 22, 2001: Fixed the darned backward slashes referencing mounted directories. Obviously not a lot of people need this page :-)!
  • July 15, 2000: Added Shawn's method
  • July 4, 2000: initial version.


Download Megahertz Xjem336 Lan Modem Pc Card Drivers

[1]It is a bit disturbing that I actually got this working. The familiarity with DOS that this required dates me severely. It's also a sad waste of neurons to store the obscure, irrelevant, and mostly pointless knowledge this required.

Metadata - Keywords

Since Google does not use indexing information stored in meta tags, I'vereproduced some of the meta tags here to facilitate indexing.

<meta name='author'>
<meta name='keywords'>

Author: John G. Faughnan. The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author. Pages are updated on an irregular schedule; suggestions/fixes are welcome but they may take weeks to years to be incorporated.Anyone may freely link to anything on this site and print any page; no permission is needed for citing, linking, printing, or distributing printed copies.